Board Position Descriptions

As the main representative of SHA, the president speaks on behalf of the organization. She runs all board meetings and oversees fundraising activities. As the vital link between SHA and the Cherry Blossom Festival, the President coordinates donations and classes that SHA provides for the Festival. She also facilitates partnerships and relations between SHA and the Festival.

Vice President
The Vice President acts in the absence of the President and supported the President in all areas.

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial records of SHA. She handles all financial transactions and files required tax documents.

Secretary & Director of Archives
The Secretary & Director of Archives is responsible for board meeting minutes. She also manages all archives including Festival photographs and souvenir books.

Director of Communications
As the liaison between SHA and the public, the Director of Communications manages marketing and public relations activities. She also manages the SHA website, SHA email account and SHA Facebook page.

Director of Community Development
To promote SHA’s vision of providing cultural education, the Director of Community Development plans various cultural classes and experiences that are available to SHA members, as well as the community. She also coordinates various community service activities for members to participate in throughout the year.

Director of Membership Development
The Director of Membership Development manages the SHA membership database as well as the Registry Database of all former Contestants. In addition to processing membership applications and renewals, she oversees membership recruitment and oversees the planning and execution of the Annual Membership Meeting.